Every year, we at Lunieva bring to Colorado beautiful and unique merchandise from Kathmandu, Nepal. In this way, we are changing the lives of many artisans and ordinary citizens as well who make our products with loving hands. Here is our story.
We run a successful co-op in Kathmandu, employing local women. The woolen mittens, hats, scarves and sweaters are hand knit by these women who would not otherwise work due to cultural constraints. When we purchase their knitted garments, we generate full time employment for about 80 women for an entire year. We pay a fair, living wage to the women as well.
Our lovely, colorful, cotton garments are made by skilled tailors, who then take the clothing to another group of woman who hand print or embroider them. We have 22 tailors and 5 women who work full time on our clothing.
Finally, two women work full time to make our simple and recyclable paper shopping bags.
We have experienced that when we provide jobs for these people, it affects them positively, and therefore they take their good fortune out into society which in turn benefits greatly. So thank you for shopping at Lunieva. We cannot do this without your support. Together, we are making this world a little bolder … “one dress, one hat and scarf or sweater at a time”.